Saturday 3 September 2011

#7- Meet Rosalie

Our beautiful little girl arrived 4 days later than her due date on September 2nd! 
We were trying to be very patient, hoping for the best and that we would avoid having to be induced; and so it was!
Labour started early Friday morning around 2am, a sleepless night on my end, thinking I was just having cramps. Spent the day like any normal day, did some errands, played with Isaac, Eric had the day off still waiting and we were trying to keep our minds off things.

Around 4 things started getting more regular and unsure I called my midwives for reassurance, they told me it sounded like I was just having braxton-hicks contractions and to take some tylenol and relax.
Yeah, tried that.

Cousin Adam came over, poor guy hadn't a clue:) by the time he left the contractions had become so close together I couldn't talk or finish putting poor Isaac to bed who was confused as to why I couldn't hold him, good thing daddy was there!!

My midwife wasn't on call until 7pm, so right after we put Isaac to bed, Eric insisted I call and I figured SOMETHING must be going on by now.
Midwives came over at 7:30, I was 8 cm dilated, she predicted I would have the baby at 9 and Rosalie Jane Buckley made her epic appearance at 9:14 pm!

8.4oz, 20.5 inches, blue, blue eyes, brown hair:)
I was able to labour and deliver in the birthing pool (thanks Natalie Plant!) which was amazing, the whole experience was incredible just to be able to be so laid back and relaxed (as can be) in comparison to my hospital birth with Isaac. The midwives left everything up to my call and no interventions were needed. It was awesome to be the one to bring her up, hold her, announce her sex, and I even cut the cord! Eric was also incredible running here and there keeping the water warm, holding my hand, making coffee and snacks. He is a superstar:)
Rosalie is a true sweetheart, looking around barely making a squeak (except when the midwife dared talk about her bowel movements to which she protested immediately to:) 
We had a pretty good night and the next morning ISAAC got to meet his new sister! (see pics and video) that thrill didn't last too long...he had a pretty rough day but he will warm up to the idea

We are so thankful & overjoyed that everything went so well and smoothly, thank you to everyone for your support and especially your prayers! I feel so blessed beyond belief that everything went so well.
We hope to introduce you all to our beautiful gal soon!
God is good!
How we picked the name...:
As with Isaac's name, we wanted to go along with names that had the meanings from the fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, etc) Isaac means 'Joy' and we couldn't find a name we liked for a girl that meant any of those things. We did like classy older names and had a few in mind, but settled on Rosalie, Rose, because even though it obviously means 'flower', the representation of a rose is Love, and so we are 'adding' meaning to the name. Rosalie is for versatility so she can change it as suits her growing up, we'll call her Rosie while she's a little girl:)
Jane is just a classic name that we both liked and thought went well with Rosalie. It also means God's Grace, and boy howdy, are we grateful for that!:)!

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