Sunday 29 April 2012

#43- Isaac is 2!

What a fun month!
April is a month of birthday celebrations in our family, both myself and my older twin sisters have birthdays to start it off, then my brother-in-law, a sister-in-law, my nephew Ezra, and my own dear Isaac to end the grand finale! (Starts with my birthday; finishes with his:) we got this) 
Isaac was singing the happy birthday song to himself by the end of the month start to finish, and by the time it got to his birthday he was so used to singing it to others that he just couldn't grasp the idea that it was HIS turn...That is until he woke up on his birthday to balloons everywhere! He let out a long, loud gasp and even though he just glimpsed them, demanded to go back and play, he knew something was up! 
For breakfast we gave him waffles and at least 5 different kinds of bowls of fruit to choose from. He was simply in heaven.
He got lots of trains and tracks which he has been googling over, hasn't had time to play with them all. Thanks to his relatives on Eric's side for joining us on his b-day and sharing the love! We finished the day off with a campfire and BBQ with our neighbours and friends.
At the end of the (tiring!) day as Isaac was having his 'potty-time' I asked him how his day was and he hum-drummingly went through the usual and then his voice got higher and he tilted his head and looked at me from the corner of his eye and said "....and candles, cake, presents, blow it?!"
I think he got the point that today was indeed his special day!
Isaac; you are one incredible little man to say the least! The vibrance and joy and personality you've brought to our lives has certainly made them better. We are overwhelmed with how amazing you are, your character is something else, sometimes you baffle daddy and I in the ideas and things you come up with and what you understand! And you're getting so big and tall, you're losing what little baby fat you had already it seems! I hope that little tummy sticks out ahead of you for some time yet:)
You are full of enthusiasm for everything, curiousity is always on your mind even when you're shy. You can definitely be very certain of your opinion! But you already have such a beautiful spirit and are very compassionate to others. You are so great with your little sister and I know she will always look up to you. Mommy and Daddy are SO so proud of you Isaac and love you more than you will ever even know!
I'm so excited for this year to spend time with you and learn to communicate with you even better!
Keep growing little guy, but always come back for a hug! 

Sunday 22 April 2012

#42- Happy Earth Day!

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth... 
And he put us in charge of caring for it!
I like to be optimistic, and I really think that our country has come a long way in the past 20 years to take serious action in working with the earth instead of against it (not perfectly of course, but starting!) more and more people are going for organic lifestyles, whether or not taking it to the extreme or just small attempts in the right direction. More and more people in the city are experimenting with gardens and using natural energy, and our province has active plans in taking better care of our resources.

Happy earth day. Go hug a tree or plant a seed or feed the birds. It's ours to care for and ours to enjoy!

Shall I put this ladybug back outside?

My garden; ready for planting!

Rosie is ready for diaper-free weather!

#41- just a rant away

I borrowed a book from my sister about organizing your kitchen and menu.
It drew me in with it's relevant and humourous  tales and inspiring words of how easy it is to have control over your life again just by cleaning and organizing and 3x5 cards...
And I was all into it, and then it started telling me I had to have a plan and sit down and write out stuff and I promptly lost interest, organized a few things in the kitchen, and wiped the counters, and I feel great. (they actually had a name for me in that I read on later, it's called 'the sidetracker')
A dear friend recently assured me that there was nothing wrong with plopping down in front of a screen at the end of a day, as long as- you know- I cleaned up something or what-not to feel self-fulfilled. (This quote was by a young man. Just trying to be helpful:)

I like to think that self fulfillment and a good satisfying end to a day doesn't mean sweeping the floor and watching tv shows. So I've been trying to DO different things throughout the day that aren't on my to-do list. I tried yoga the other night, only to discover that the only difference between the moves I was making directed by an instructor and the moves I make while having a dance party with the kids are:
1:  there's an impossibly skinny as well as overly busty woman in necessary spandex underwear telling me that I CAN BE JUST LIKE HER if I complete these moves every day for 30 minutes
2: I look 10x more ridiculous doing it on my own than with the kids
3: It is 10x more painful because I'm not having fun and it is in fact the END of the day when I should be relaxing

Now for the record, nothing's wrong with exercise. Some people like the steps and the rock-ab woman motivating them on, or the intentions of doing this specifically to feel better and look better brings them satisfaction and relaxation!
But I just don't have that kind of motivation. I've tried jogging, and I hated it, though I find that when I'm running after Isaac down the sidewalk as he squeals with laughter or if I'm running after a frisbee in the park I don't even notice I'm 'excercising' though it's the same moves really...
When I throw Rosie up in the air over and over and over again and then of course Isaac needs a turn, sure my muscles get tired but I take a break then do it again and I don't really think about it toning my arms.
When I wash the floors or pick up the toys at the end of a day (which can take half an hour if not more at times) I am basically doing who knows how many 'squats' and 'downward dogs' as I reach to find a granola bar under the couch (or is it a mouse? No. Just a dusty granola bar)

Now just so I don't sound too snobby (or lazy) I would like to try stretching exercises again. I hear that proper stretching can really make a difference in your day and the many physical things I do. While a 30 minute session watching some babe who has plenty of time to strut around the beach lookin' good (for what..I don't really know. Yes I do) isn't really for me, we should always be open to learning, and I have noticed that proper stretching leads to less sore muscles at the end of a day.
So Isaac, Rosie and I have developed a morning stretch routine! I am their hot-mama instructor in my jeans and t-shirt and spare tire in case the other goes flat (or maybe I'll lend it to that poor yoga instructor. she doesn't look very cuddly) complete with music "bend, and streeetch and reeeeeeach to the starrs!.."
And we're all feelin' great. 
Ok. Now I'll write a cutesy post about nature and babies

Thursday 12 April 2012

#40- Spring is springing

April is a lovely month; for many reasons! 
Everything has been blooming early this year, the rain we've had already has greened everything up just nicely. 
We've already celebrated three out of the many birthdays in the family this month, mine included!
A few more to go, as well as at the end of this month, Isaac turns TWO! 
The weather has been temperamental, but I've already started some seedlings indoors, (tomatoes, peppers, some flowers:) and have built the body of my GARDEN!
(That I got a little too ambitious about and made quite big, I don't have pictures yet, I'm waiting to get some dirt to fill it with) I am just itching to get started on planting outdoors, just waiting on the soil, and it's good because there is still a risk of freezing temperatures.

I bought myself a 'new' bike which is stowed cleverly away till I get a good lock. We've had several bikes stolen since we moved to London and I loooove this new bike so I'm determined it won't get stolen!
Easter weekend Eric worked and Rosie wasn't feeling well, but Isaac and I managed to dye some eggs and run around singing 'hallelujah!' And read the Easter story so... I DID attempt traditions!
We have a gorgeous and strange tree in our front yard that blooms beautifully, this year it wasn't as full, but I think because of the confusing weather. I documented it's blossoming and thought I'd share:)

Monday 2 April 2012

#39- seven months

Today is April the 2nd! Happy 7 month 'birthday' Rosie!
My little sweetie is just as darling as ever. As sweet and lovely as she is, watch out, we are going to have to keep an eye on this girl, she is a GO-GETTER! She army crawls at an alarming pace that I sometimes can't keep up with, and of course, her goal is usually to something like the stairs or a thumbtack or something.
Eric thought it was of course necessary to begin training her to walk at 5 months and now her favourite thing to do is run around while we hold on to her hands. 
She is awfully quiet (probably because she doesn't have much of a chance to get her say in...*Isaac*) but is full of smiles and still only cries when there is a pressing need or she gets bonked on the head (*Isaac*)
She has a Doctor appt. tomorrow so I can't update on all that boring stuff at the moment, but she is clearly growing very well, taken well to solids and loves to be able to pick things up by herself and put them in her mouth rather than spoonfed (learned that from Cousin Ezra perhaps?)
She recently started saying 'Da-da' and STILL the only one to get her to laugh the most is: *ISAAC!*:)
They are getting along very well:)
Love you Rosalie!