Wednesday 17 August 2016

A little pause in the sun

'Eeyy-oo it's almost the end of August!
I did not plan too much for our summer intentionally, I figured enough things would come up last minute that it would nicer to go be able to 'go with the flow' instead of living off the calendar. was a nice sentiment for the first half.

Half of our family likes to live that way, the other half not so much:)

However! All in all it's been a simply lovely summer, very hot, but no complaints here. Lots of trips to the pool, the beach, roadtrips! My garden flourishes, the children grow, community advances.

It has been a bit maddening most some days, all 3 kids together all day seems to prove itself a bit much. Mr. Spirited bores in seconds and his immediate reaction to such feelings results in disrupting other persons happiness. Frustrating to say the least.
The impending freedom I see in my near future (school starts for ALL THREE!) is what keeps me optimistic that I will not be completely driven mad before I'm 30.
super cute old picture I found
Speaking of 30, my Handsome Hunka Burnin' Love Eric turned 30 this month! Ah yes, how time slips away on us. But he is in the best health of his life having taken up running and eating chick pea salad. As well as ridiculous amounts of coffee. Did I ever think the day would come when he would enjoy a semi-hot beverage with me? Well it is here. And I am glad (Ps, he drinks more coffee than me.)

For me, fall holds a couple new opportunities I am excited about, I will continue doing daycare for one girl until October, an in September will be doing 2 days a week with a new little fella, who will be joined by his cousin (whose parents are friends of mine) In January.
At first I didn't know if I wanted to continue down the childcare route, but as Oliver will likely only be doing ever-other-day at kindergarten, it worked out perfectly that the days he'd be home I'd have another couple kids for company. And still have at least a couple days a week MYSELF!!!?!?!?! Which is a bizaaaaarreee idea. What on earth will I do all day long? (Hint: I haven't been doing any cleaning for the past 2 months, saving up with giddy delight. Hah.)
anyhoo. I'm also looking forward to becoming more involved with Sanctuarys weekly activities, and friendships I value there.

I'm going to be uploading ten million pictures of our summer eventually. It's been a treasure.

(Never regret taking the time to try and  blurb out some words on here because in a few years I can read back...these very important details.)

Sunday 5 June 2016

It's almost summer!

It's practically here, spring has felt like summer, we basically went from snow to 25 degrees.
Luckily I managed to hold out from starting my garden for the longest I've ever gone!
We'll see if it pays off...
It's been a fun year so far, (last time I posted was in 2015 so....whoopsy!) Isaac turned SIX in April, he had a fun birthday with a friend, we had a 'superhero' theme and relay race and I'm sure the best part was silly-stringing the 'bad guy', who happened to be DAD at the time, I don't have those pictures available but I'll try and get them up sometime.

We've had a lovely friend who has been bringing puppies every now and again so I DO have some of those pictures, so mostly this post will be pictures yet again, and I shall work on a for real update another time.

Things are going well! We've got a good steady rhythm and we are enjoying life, visiting with friends, family, finding new coffee shops:), enjoying community, nature, each other.
Rosalie has decided she doesn't like dresses anymore and only wears "Shorts and a T-Shirt." and Oliver has taken leaps and bounds in verbal development and he and Isaac have been playing together more which is nice.
We recently bought a VAN and are keeping our other car just for the summer so I've had a bit more freedom to roam (BEACH!)
It's going to be a super-fun year, I just know it. We have camping, zoo trips, and family visits plans but otherwise are probably just going to take it easy, after all, who loves being busy??!