Monday 19 September 2011

#9- Just me & my Isaac

I decided to steal Isaac away for some one on one time, he seems to need that a lot lately.
A dreamy walk to the Sifton Bog trail! Why not? It was a beautiful day, just cool enough for there to be no bugs and warm enough to shed the sweater. Rosalie was down for her long nap of the day so Eric shooed us off and I was pretty excited! I've missed Isaac, not being able to spend as much time just with him while he's not agitated by lil' sis has been sad, so I want to try and make a habit of this!

Isaac loved the walk, on the way we saw an amazing big caterpillar, filled with the wonder of creation I introduced Isaac to it exclaiming at all of its wiggles and 'fur'? Isaac seemed very entranced at first, leaned right in for a closer look, as I was about to take a picture of him enjoying the beauty of wildlife just like mama when she was a wee lass, Isaac promptly stood up and stamped on the caterpillar as hard as he could, squishing it in half and we both got to see the INSIDES of the caterpillar....
Can't take the boy out of boy I suppose! Poor caterpillar. 
At any rate, it was a lovely walk and both Isaac and I left feeling much better!
On a related note, Isaac has started to say 'Mama' now and relating it to me...:) 


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