Tuesday 8 September 2015

Another chapter:)

Summer is coming to an end! We've had a really awesome summer, we went on a fantastic camping trip with good friends, survived a thunderstorm that made it feel in our tent like we were walking on a water bed, and successfully completed two full nights of all 5 Buckley's in a tent!

Isaac & Rosalie got to go to their first VBS planned by another very good friend of ours. A little taste of what was to come for the new school year...:)

We visited the great Bruce County, got to meet some brand new puppies, and went to the beach as much as we could!
We've had a part-time visitor joining our family 3 days a week since June, 1 year old Naomi is a great fit for the fam and is keeping Oliver good company especially now that the older two have started school.

Here's some photos of our last couple months, highlighting a very special Birthday Girl who turned FOUR! (thanks Aunt Bethany for the birthday dress, she loved it!)

And the first day of school!
Exciting times..
though the night before Eric and I were dancing around to 'Celebrate Good Times' while making tomorrows lunches, I confess to feeling a little melancholy, as it really will be but a moment until Oliver is traipsing off to school with them, as you can see in the photos, he was quite ready to be a part of this big day!
For the first time in awhile the house was so quiet and still during Naomi and Oliver's 1 1/2 hour nap... and I found myself checking the clock and wondering if it was too early to go and pick the little un's up yet (It was)
I'll be honest, I felt like I couldn't WAIT to send Isaac back to school, but even though I had that feeling right up to walking out the door, it is hard to leave a crying child behind you who, after two months of a whole lot of verbal abuse and challenges, just wants to go be with you.

I know Isaac really benefits from school and the routine of it all, but I'm sure there will always be a little twinge that wants him to stay home forever. le sigh!

As for Rosalie, she was ready to go! She was  a little quiet about it, I think perhaps because Isaac was (loudly) ranting and raving about how much he did NOT want to go to school the previous 48 hours she didn't get much of a chance to express how she was feeling about it, but once we got to the classroom she got busy playing right away and when her teacher called for circle time she was right there ready to participate, and barely acknowledged me when I said goodbye.

When she got home, as I assumed, she snuggled with me for a bit, then headed straight for some alone time. I'm a little nervous about how the school setting will affect her need for her 'alone time' but we shall see! It's not jail, you know:) there are options...

Isaac & Rosalie are in the same class which also has me a little nervous, but I'm hoping that it will actually help to improve their relationship. At supper tonight Rosie mentioned a little girl was telling her her 'star was going down' and Isaac quickly said "Why didn't you come tell me about it??" Oooh my heart! Looking out for his sister? I like this!

Meanwhile Oliver and I got some special time together and I realized yet again how strange it is to only have one (Naomi was napping) Little person around who plays by himself, craaazy!

So I haven't been updating too much, still not sure who the main audience of this blog is to tailor the content to, but anyway! Hope you enjoy!