Friday 24 January 2014

#95- January; the busiest time of year!

We are coming up to the last week of January, and not one eensie-weensie post from me!!
WELL, let me tell you! If I thought December was busy, I wasn't ready for January.
We really didn't have anything planned for January, but suddenly it was upon us, and it didn't take long for each week to fill up.
As someone who really doesn't like having to 'schedule things in', it has been making me a little edgy. Although pretty much everything we've been busy with has been delightful, visitors, visiting, I started volunteering more regularly at the nursing home, doctors appointments, Eric went on a little trip snowboarding, (I had the house all to myself for a day and a half!!! And even that time got easily gobbled up in 'things to do') meetings, work, playdates, helping out our neighbours with their kids, and we've started watching my cousins daughter once a week, and...well, so on!
My February resolution is to slow down a bit. An open schedule is a good schedule, I'm not much of a planner, I prefer things to just come up that I can ho and hum over and say yes or no to depending on the weather and whether or not I've yet had my morning tea and if the children's sleep schedule has been on cue.
But all that to say; we've been feeling very blessed already in 2014. Surrounded with so many wonderful people we want to spend time with, so many exciting opportunities for myself, Eric, and the kids. With Oliver walking (starting to RUN!) Things feel a lot more active and (literally) fast paced around here. We are having fun. (Though I must say, that first spring breeze in the air where we can venture out and take off our coats is high on my wish list these long, cold days!)

As I have been exploring new things for myself to be a part of, starting at the nursing home has been really exciting for me. I recently was able to be at a party celebrating one couples 75th wedding anniversary! Incredible! They were both 94, some lovely words of how they have lived/stayed married for so long were 'have only one child who is well behaved' and 'get along and laugh a lot, you know, we love each other, so that's just it.'
It's also been a very interesting perspective to be with the elderly at the end of their lives and then go home to my children at the beginning of their lives, this spectrum of life and death is something that has always fascinated me and I reflect on often; which I think we all really should do more. I feel that we would all lead more satisfying lives if we regularly considered where we started and where we will end up. Not in a foreboding way, but a reflective and appreciative one.

...On another note, registration for kindergarten this fall is on NOW. Yes, Isaac will be in JK this year... I am still a little apprehensive of the thought, IF we do send him we are going to start off with half or every-other day and see how that goes. Part of me knows he is more than ready for going to 'school', another part is fearful of the brand new world that awaits him there... while we have talked about homeschooling Eric and I are mutual that it isn't something we feel we can commit to, although we would consider doing it for the early years if the 'system' isn't working out for our kids.
Well I've talked enough about that for today! Maybe if I don't think about it it will all happen by itself in September:)
Now, here are some photos of our month:
Story time with our friend Kyle
Hangin' out with our neighbour, Silas!

Isaac and Lena, they are besties! She loves him