Wednesday 26 September 2012

#59- First pigtails

Those cute little tendrils puffing out at her ears are long enough to twist into pigtails, although I don't have small enough elastics, so the first attempt was to use the smallest version of my own, which still ended up making her pigtails look more elastic than hair!

Nonetheless, how adorable. They make her look older though...Rosalie is almost 13 months already!

Saturday 15 September 2012

#58- Tomatoes

My tomato plants did their very best this year, and finally managed to pump out a cute little crop of tomatoes, the ones that made it out of the garden without getting eaten by squirrels (who would mockingly leave whole red ones with one bite sitting on the fence), my children, or disease (I actually found a recommended cure of putting crunched up egg shells in the soil, worked wonders!) Were promptly rushed indoors where they have been used for all things tomato-y! Friends of ours who are on vacation and have very flourishing tomato plants, of different varieties, asked us to harvest them while they were gone, so that has kept our house and the fruit flies buzzing! I am tomatoed out, but have found lots of uses, and tried making pasta sauce which turned out A-M-A-Z-I-N-G (not to toot my own horn) The kids love them when they are able to pick them off the plant itself and eat them like an apple, not so much for some reason when they are cut up on a plate, but they do looove the sauce!:) Here's to tomatoes! this years apples for us!

Isaac saying 'Thank you JESUS!'

Saturday 8 September 2012

#57- Conditional welcoming to Students

Recently our mayor was criticized for his comments to students regarding partying-hard instead of studying hard at their welcome party. (  
Everyone knows that London is notorious for it's so called 'party schools' (I need not name names) and while some are worse than others, just as not all students are partiers, I am particularly annoyed at the acceptance and encouragement of this behaviour by the public, much less London's own mayor!

In light of last years riot at Fleming drive, and while police and residents are still cleaning up the mess that that incident left, ol' Mayor was particularly out of line even to be 'just light hearted in the moment'.

Another thing that riled up students and critics alike was the comment made by a local bar owner that they would 'rather eat glass' than serve the return of the students to London.
Photo by Mike Maloney/London Community NewsI do not like to be critical or judgemental of a group simply by the actions of a few or a stereotype, but having lived here now almost five years, I can't say I'm out with banners and balloons welcoming the students back. With the turning of the leaves, so I dread the return of the students in many ways. London is really quite a nice place during the summer, and now with being home-owners, I have found that students bring distruptiveness to the neighbourhood, more garbage, (increasingly showing up on our yard and in nearby parks since school started) more accidents, less respect for the citizens of London, (there seems to be a 'suck-up' attitude to the students I've found, we don't want to scare any of them away (Direct quote "Western University and its students generate $1.5 billion a year in economic activity, according to the university. Add Fanshawe College and its students into the mix, and that’s an awful lot of money." from
And overall just a grumpier city who is told to quiet down and try to be nice to the little students who are our future.
The way London caters to students however and the blind eye turned when it comes to their behaviour is really not acceptable. Particularly because they are our future!
Once upon a time, the privilege of attending, much less affording, college and university was something that most young people took very seriously. If you were so lucky to go, (unless you were a spoiled brat with rich parents in which case you were generally sent to some private hippity-bippity school) You studied hard, saved your pennies, and were actually interested in what you were learning. We take the privilege of education far too frivilously, how many times have I heard students groaning that it's 'crunch time' right before or during exams and that now they have to actually pay attention and study and how haaaard school is (but going to class with a hangover 4 times a week is kind of your fault isn't it...?)

On a separate note, did you know that annually students throw away 275 tons of garbage each year??
( Not to mention what this costs the city!

Before I go off on a rant I shall conclude what I really wanted to conclude with: Students; please be respectful. This city has citizens who were here first and will be here when you leave, you're not the king, you're a visitor. Clean up after yourself, enjoy gratefully the services our taxes are paying for for you, please attend a local coffee shop over pushing for Starbucks on every corner, drive better on the road, there are not just students but families with children on them; learn how to use cross walks and be a good pedestrian; plan ahead with what you're going to do with furniture you don't intend to take with you when you leave, don't just chuck brand new furniture to the curb! We understand you want to take some time to relax and have fun, but don't leave a mess at someone else's expense and remember, you're a visitor! Don't throw your beer bottles on peoples yards or parks. If you want to get really crazy, be a part of our communities while you are here instead of just taking from them, give something back! 
Do us all a favour and try to learn something other than how to party, I don't need to be hit by the car of a driver who is studying to be a police officer or have my picture a joke on facebook from being in an accident instead of helped by someone studying their PSW or nursing.
If you wanted to spend 80 grand on partying instead of getting a diploma, perhaps you should have looked into touring the Most Popular Party Places of the World.

On a final note, I personally know that there are many students who are working hard, being respectful, and overall make London a better place with their presence during the school year, I recognize that London thrives financially because of their presence, and I appreciate the different positive aspects, but this overall attitude of both students and the public needs to end before they run us to the ground; or at least out of the city!!

Tuesday 4 September 2012

#56- Rosalie is 1!

Not only did we celebrate my cousin Brandon and old friend Fiona's wedding on Sept 2, (which was beautiful by the way, I'm so happy for the two of them! They are just lovely) but also Rosie turned ONE! Which is really nuts! I remember posting not but a few months ago how one day soon I'd wake up and she'd be one, and here it is. 

Rosalie is turning into quite the little lady, she is still quite good natured and easy-going, although at times a little clingy, she is usually content to just be around her family or observing what else is going on. She has really hammed it up lately with visitors and friends, and even strangers to get a reaction which is pretty cute, that ever-endearing 'goofy' smile that Isaac still has is her main strategy in achieving this (and with such clear effort, has yet to fail her!)
She can say 'mama', 'dada', 'Isaac', 'that', 'Nala' (our neighbours dog) and 'hot' (which she also calls her head; close enough:)
Her hair is still blonde and growing long and a little curly at the ears, soon enough there will be PIGTAILS! And her eyes have turned a lovely hazel. She has 8 teeth and a hearty appetite!
Also she started walking a week and a half before her birthday! So it is exciting to see her learning so fast and almost able to keep up with Isaac.

Rosalie, you are such a snuggly-bug and I just love you! Your sweet personality is so warming to everyone who meets you and you continue to charm even the toughest:)- Proven!
I pray you will keep growing strong and healthy and into a beautiful woman whose love for God and others is infectious! You are a blessing my dear. We love you!