Monday 25 July 2011

Entry #2- Summer Daze

...And oh, those summer nights.
Having grown up without a/c during the summer and the whole 'blanket-over-the-windows-during-the-day' trick, I was appalled at myself for succumbing to the use of our central air for three days over the past week. Granted, even the die-hard anti-a/c person may have tweaked the dial on Thursday (there are rumours even my own father) as it reached a balmy 45 degrees C with the humid X. 

I've always been pretty good with climatizing, and since there was much complaining about the long winter, I was determined not to make a peep about being too hot this summer. However, what people told me about being pregnant in the summer has proven to be true. 
Even at 9am for our daily walk, I felt like a steamboat by the time we got home, huffing and puffing away, my body feeling like it was 20 degrees hotter than the temp. outside. Even with a handful of freezies and lying on the floor in the basement for a good long time, I didn't cool off for the rest of the day! And I wasn't even sprinting:)

My darling husband who usually will strongly protest if his body temperature is slightly above or below his preference, has been oddly silent about it, which confirms to me 2 things; one, I am definitely taking the heat harder being pregnant because there's no way he'd be so calm and collected if he was as hot as I, and two, I WILL NOT budge beyond what I can bear in the complaints department if HE isn't.
So over the weekend the central air was turned off. And lucky for us, we were gone to my cousin Mark's wedding and when we got home there was a big rain storm which has cooled things off immensely, making this declaration very easy for me. We'll see how it goes..:)
Also lucky, on that particularly hot day, we packed up and went off to Stratford to visit our handsome new nephew, Josiah!
They took us along to Judah's (my brother-in-law) parents pool which was SUCH a relief in so many ways!
Isaac also decided to take a run (a splash?) at surfing. We were impressed at his lack of fear as he rode the waves and I warned Eric he may not pursue golf after all.

He stood up several times all by himself! Video footage proof!!! (see below)
(with Eric &Uncle Judah)
Unfortunately I didn't get to snap any pictures of Josiah, there was a flurry of ants...err, I mean Aunts, who whisked him away. (Judah has five sisters) that will be one happy little boy growing up with no shortage of cookies and kisses:) But he is a very handsome little man and we can't wait to get to know him better and watch him grow and grow, even since the hospital he had changed so much already. Isaac fell asleep (WHAT?!) during the afternoon while Eric was holding him and I could not fathom how my little boy went from being Josiah's size in my arms to how big he was now in Eric's. (I took a photo but it's on Bethany's camera) It's incredible! Cherish every moment Bootsma's! Also Bethany & Judah are doing great! Bethany looks amazing and Judah has gained extra daddy whiskers:)
It was also lovely to reconnect with my friend Hillary who has moved to Stratford to work at L'arche, thanks for joining us Hillary and for your delightfulness!!


That's all for now! Enjoy the week everyone:)/

Thursday 21 July 2011

Entry #1 -The Beginning

I am Tessa. And I have decided to start this blog for our family and friends to keep track of us, since even keeping track of writing email updates and making sure I don't miss anyone is easy to do, here is our life for you all to see at your leisure, pressure off:) And for those of you who have vowed against evils such as facebook!       

                                                                  Meet my family!
This is myself, my handsome husband Eric, and our delightful son, Isaac Thomas Buckley.
(June 2011)

We are residing in London, ON where Eric works as a support worker for individuals with developmental disabilities.

We ended up in London in 2009 when friends of ours needed extra room-mates, I moved in with the girls, Eric moved in with the boys. We both found jobs, I worked for a time at a retirement home as well as childcare for a few different families.
We were dating at this point, and once everyone finished school and `moved on`we decided to stay...and what the heck, get married, since we`d otherwise be homeless;) it just made sense

Plus, we were ever so in love...
 We got married on May 23, 2009. One of the best decisions I have and will ever make.
We rented a sweltering little upstairs apartment, and soon found a small gathering of Believers whom became our home Church, (What is now known as Sanctuary, Some of you may be familiar with Sanctuary Toronto...if not, please check out the link to learn more.

11 months later, we had moved to another apartment just down the street to make room for our newest family member, Mr. Isaac T. Buckley. Gracing us with the joy of his presence on April 28, 2010. Right on his due date and ready to go! (Believe it or not, but despite what this photo implies, he didn`t sleep much, there was always far too much to see and explore!)
We wanted to give our children names with solid meanings; and decided to try and give the names meanings from the fruits of the Spirit- Love, joy, peace, patience, etc. Isaac means `Joy`! 
He has indeed brought us much joy and we love every bit of his exciting and unique personality.
He is now 15 months old, busy as can be and his favourite person is Daddy and his favourite word is `that` and the sign `please`. He has decided that these two words are all he needs in life to get by and this, so far, has proved to be true:) He`s a clever cookie though and sure does a lot of `talking!`

I took maternity leave and decided to ``stay-at-home`` (for lack of a better phrase) with Isaac, and I`m glad I have! The first year of his life he has grown and changed so much, every day he is learning something new or making a discovery, and there is nothing like rediscovering the world through his eyes!

Currently, we are enjoying our summer and staying cool! We`ve had lots of exciting things happen this year, including 2 new nephews, the weddings of good friends, and now are awaiting the arrival of our 2nd child, due very soon at the end of August!! 

I didn`t want to make this first entry too long and boring, but now you`re up to date, and thanks for checking out the blog! I can`t promise regular posts, but come back when you think of it and stay tuned for updates and photos! I shall do my best to keep hip-hop and happening. And hopefully somewhat interesting!

Also, know we always love hearing from our family and friends! Please drop us a line and let us know where you`re at and how you`re doing! 

That`s all for now! Next time on BTOW (buckleystakeonworld), Isaac learns to surf.