Wednesday 24 August 2011

#6- Harvest Time

...I just want to say that there is currently a squirrel lying on a branch about to pounce watching me through the window. It's really creeping me out. Since I've moved to London, I don't like squirrels anymore. Now that it saw me watching it ran away. Friggin squirrel. 

Still waiting for Baby #2! don't really have anything to go by as Isaac was born right on his due date, so could be later, could be earlier, could be Monday! whooo knows. Eric and I aren't sleeping well though, he keeps thinking I"m going to wake him up to tell him I'm in labour and I keep thinking I AM in labour but really it was just those way-too-many chips last night...haha:)

Harvest time! We finally had a chance to go out blueberry picking, dear Fynn has returned from his honeymoon and joined us for the event just like old times. We also stopped by the 'world's best sweet corn' stand and I bought ten. BECAUSE I DIDN'T WANT 12. don't mess with me.
And it truly was delicious! Isaac and I spent the afternoon husking, washing, boiling, bagging, freezing our produce. He was in absolute la la land at the blueberry place, stuffing his face with all the little delicacies off the bush (and on the ground, oh joys!)

I love this time of year, soon apples will be ready and we will traipse off to bring in that harvest!
I love how God designed food, so many ways, so many colours, so strange! So good! From fruit to vegetable, each has its own incredible way of growing from its seed. The incredible miracles of how food alone grows and what we can do with it is a marvel to me, it all just bursts with the awesomeness and the creativity of God! 

Happy harvesting for anyone who has/will be! The tomatoes in our backyard or starting to redden. Thank the LORD for your food today! And take a minute to appreciate how he created it:)

Monday 15 August 2011

#5- Thirty-Eight Weeks

Due date fast approaching!
I'm full term and could go into labour any time now:) But I'm going to assume later than earlier because it makes things more tolerable.
At this stage I'm still doing alright, but becoming quite limited in what I can physically do, and if I'm not careful, pay for it by the end of the day.

It's difficult and frustrating at times, still lifting Isaac for one thing or even just playing with him has to be limited or just extra careful and often I forget. Also I have 'nesting' instincts like crazy and want to do soo much around the place but known I shouldn't or else! 

And then of course there's sleeping/walking/getting comfortable issues...but all in all! I do feel well, and I am excited to meet this new little one:)

Being pregnant is really such a short time, it's like the first few months of a newborn, feels like forever but then you look back and wonder where that time went. So I'm trying to enjoy these last couple weeks!
On another note, Master Isaac is working very hard on cutting his fourth molar. Such a miserable thing:( but wow, what a guy! They're looking good and he now has 11 1/2 teeth!! It's been a rough time on him though so pray that he gets them all through and back into some kind of routine before life gets crazy with a new babe!

See you soon Baby Buckley!!!

Thursday 11 August 2011

Entry #4- Lovely Ladies

I babysit for a family with three kids. The oldest is 4 and is the grandest of ladies you'll ever meet. As dramatic as can be and with an attitude to match, but as lovely and endearing as little girls come:) The very definition of 'like a refreshing breeze on a hot day'.

The other day while I was there she was prancing around in a long, puffy dress, bright and floral with crinoline underneath to give it extra flare, a party dress for sure. Not something to wear around the house on an average day.
I, in all my wisdom and skepticism about when and where dresses are appropriate, asked her what the occasion was for such a pretty dress. Flicking back her matted, unbrushed long hair that was still recovering from a recent personal attempt at a cut, she said very matter-of-factly: "because it's pretty, and I like being pretty."
Simple as that and off she went prancing around and picking her nose

Of course, I laughed at the reaction but I've been thinking of it all week. One of our neighbours is a sweet elderly lady who lives alone in the same house she's been in for over 50 years. She's still quite active and involved and always asks me to stop in if I'm walking by for a chat. She was out walking to the bus stop and stopped to say hello.
She was awfully dolled up as well and looking pretty darn good and I told her so, her whole face lit up as if she were 16 and she waved her hand and said "ooh well, you know, just out to run some errands" (to Cherryhill mall, watering hole of the African plains for elderly people:)

Anyway, this all has just made me smile. Who doesn't want to be pretty? I've always had trouble admitting that to myself. Girls these days go to extreme measures to be 'pretty' and I've never wanted anything to do with that scene just because of their often very needy attempts (you know what I mean) But when it comes down to it, even when there's no one around to impress, we still want to be pretty. And we don't have to have  reason to!

At 9 months pregnant, it becomes very difficult to feel pretty (whatever those la-de-da womens rights whatchtamacallit women say about how pregnancy is BEAUUUUUUTIFUL, let's be honest, it isn't always:)
but when I look at it through the eyes of these two ladies I've mentioned, I realize, feeling beautiful is just being beautiful. Without even looking in a mirror one can feel just lovely. Whether it's by wearing a dress you think is gorgeous when you know most would think it's drop dead uggo or at a wrong time

Feeling all hyped up on these romantic notions, I tried a dress on, but that really didn't do it for me. Hah:) So instead, I BRUSHED MY HAIR. 
A very big no-no for someone with hair like mine. 
BUT! Perhaps it's from too many old shows about girls brushing their hair 100 strokes before bed each night (Road to Avonlea for one) to make it look beautiful or just that it feels nice, THAT made me feel awful pretty. 
I didn't even look in the mirror to see the damage *(poof)* 

Anyway...I don't really have an inspirational quote here worthy of 'Chicken Soup for the Soul'. But! Hey, stop being silly if you have a hard time feeling pretty. Usually the only reason we don't feel pretty is because of expectations of others (oooh, think about it hard enough, you'll realize I'm right) instead, relax, stop looking in the mirror and looking at those dumb magazines and the latest 'fashions' on the streets of 18-year-old girls and just enjoy things that you think are pretty for no reason at all.
You'd be surprised at the results that you'll never know about :)

Sunday 7 August 2011

Entry #3- Birthdays, Beach, & Babies

On August 4th, 1986 a very important event took place...
Eric Dennis Buckley entered the world and it hasn't been the same since! 
We began the birthday celebrations early on Monday because it was RIBFEST at Vic. Park and who can miss out on that when it's only ONCE A YEAR? 
Despite delicious meats and cake (narrowly escaping many strategic attacks from overhead and underfoot squirrels) Eric may have gained a gray hair or two with the thought of turning a quarter-century! He was given some good advice by a wise man a few weeks ago though that "the next 25 will be the best years of your life:)"
On Thursday -his actual birthday- we sent Isaac off to party with Granny and Uncle Zack (who recently returned from his 6 month expedition to Australia with YWAM for his DTS) while we booked it to the beach in Grand Bend with our friends Darryl & Sarah. Darryl who also recently celebrated his 25th birthday:)
We dropped the boys off for a round of golf (BARELY missing T-time, but thanks to a bit of hazardous driving, managed to make it, thank goodness or there'd be a couple MORE grey hairs for Eric's head. You just don't miss T-time...apparently.)

   Meanwhile, Sarah and I enjoyed a stroll along the beach and to some shops, as well as other summer delights:)
 We met up again for supper and swimming (fresh lakes!!! Anytime all the time) and got to enjoy a gorgeous sunset...which while we were aahing over Darryl matter-of-factly informed us that the colours of sunsets were the result of pollution. Thanks Darryl. 
On a brighter note, my Uncle Myron happened to be strolling down the beach at that exact time with his girlfriend Marilyn and friends, so that was a delightful surprise! No matter where you go, you can't escape family:) We ended the night with a movie and got to sleep in and take our time in the morning, although it was very strange to wake up in an empty house and peek into Isaac's empty room...we're kind of attached to the little guy.
So a very great day and happy birthday to my dear Eric! He's a great man and I'm glad to know him, and I can't even begin to say how much AWESOME-r it is to get to be his WIFE and raise kids with him, and experience the next 25 years (and beyond!) with him. He's one of the most incredible men I know, and am excited to see what the future holds for him and for us! Take THAT Darryl

As I was saying, the next day we slept in and ate our breakfast nice and slowly:) Then headed out to good ol' Walton, Ontario to catch up with the rest of my fam. My dad had big plans to take his 3 son-in-laws and newly returned son Zack up to his little cottage for the night to teach 'em how to be men and enjoy some quality time.

Bush-Man Zack! Welcome Back!
 Meanwhile my mom, sisters, and their new babies hung out and had some catching up time as well. This was the first time all three cousins were together at once! It is amazing to see the difference even a couple months makes at this age. Isaac has been learning to be 'very gentle!' with babies and did VERY well with his cousins! Tempting as it was to poke them. Katrina's son, Ezra, who is 3 months old can take it a bit better now, Bethany's boy Josiah, not quite a month, was a little less enthused, and tried to ignore Isaac's attempts at bonding:) but they all did quite well, maybe just a few less naps than normal...sorry girls:)

Granny & Josiah

Isaac being very gentle with Josiah!

The 3 Boys-Josiah, Isaac, and Ezra!
It was great to get together with the family and catch up with Zack and hear some of his stories. My, how our family dynamics have changed in only a matter of months! Next summer is sure to be even more exciting with THREE one-year-olds running around and Isaac leading the pack! My sisters, Bethany & Katrina are rocking at this motherhood business, their boys are so sweet and it was so nice to get to spend some quality Aunt Tessa time with them. 
This post is a little unorganized, I'm still getting the hang of this blog biz, so bear with me! Till next time, Tessa B, signing off!