Monday 30 January 2012

#29- Friends Forev

This past weekend was a flurry of excitement!
Our dear old friends Danny and Sarah paid us a visit and stayed overnight; and we finally got to meet their beautiful sweet little girl, Anya! Who was born two days before Rosie! 
So obviously the conclusion must be that they are to be best friends and Isaac is to one day marry her. 
no secrets in front of company guys
It was a great reunion and the children got along well, (Though we will have to work on the girls play-together-time as they didn't seem too interested.) Oh, the cheeks! Oh, the drool! Oh the future prospects! Sarah and I gleefully planned their future and how wonderful it would be to be in-laws and be together forever, heehee.
We had a few other friends from CH over as well and the day before we had a visit from MORE old friends from Kitchener. (thanks Rathwells and Melody!!)
I do so love old friends...I needn't explain it. If you have em', you understand:) Especially such a privilege to see them 'grow up' and get married and raise babies.
Thanks for the love and the memories friends; would we be who we are today without you? I think not.
Anya and her daddy!
discussing the function of baby toys
happy girls!
Isaac, miss a picture?!
funny thing is, Isaac looks more like Sarah's son than mine!
they decided to acknowledge each other at the END of the visit:)

Monday 23 January 2012

#28- whispers

 It's been quite a flurry of life these last few months, changes, excitements, conspiracies!! (Yes once in awhile I get strayed by the latest) Amidst all of these things, I realized that God is speaking to me, hushing me to remember to keep it cool.
I've noticed such odd beautiful things around me (a few of which I snapped pictures of) I see such holiness in the people who are my children and am challenged in Love with my husband, my community. I am blessed, I am in peace.

After being all in a tizzy telling Eric about how the world was certainly ending soon and lying awake thinking about the meaning of all this, I was hushed by God saying "hey you! I will keep in perfect peace all who trust in me, all whose eyes are fixed on me!"
Silly me.

Friday 13 January 2012

#27- teeth & toilets!

Rosalie has followed suit with her brother and popped out her first tooth (bottom right) at four months old:) Congratulations Rosie! You've been working hard on that first one. Here's to many more...and maybe more sleep!
On an equally exciting note; Isaac has been going 2 weeks strong with being diaper-free during the day and having next to NO accidents!! He'll gleefully pee on the potty and is now holding it until we take him or, more recently, he'll let us know when he has to go. Way to go Isaac!! 
Still working on getting him to stay on the potty long enough to poop he saves it for bedtime and nap-time, but not bad for 20 months! 
To celebrate we bought him some 'big-boy-underwear' with, of course, DIEGO on it! 
You guys are getting so big!:)

Tuesday 10 January 2012

#26- Happy Birthday Sanctuary London!

Our church is a year old now since it's been 'Sanctuary London'. It's been exciting to see the very small gathering of people grow and strengthen as not only do we meet on Sunday nights but also Gil and Darryl are busy throughout the week running different programs which have started off small and now have a steady attendance.
Currently Eric and I are only able to go to the Sunday night service, but there are many people who don't attend that on a regular basis who are part of the community that we don't know very well, so we are hoping to start getting out to more of these weekly events in the near future.
On Sunday we celebrated this '1 year' plus moving into our 'new place!' (church addition) with a band and karaoke; what a great idea! Lots of the guys & gals in our community love the karaoke bars and are pretty darn good at it, so we tried it out and had lots of fun:)
Here's a few pictures of the night. We attended the service and then put the kids to bed, had our babysitter come, and went back to pah-tay, and I must admit, I haven't danced like that in at least two years!:) And had to sit down after a very- er - short while. (But thanks Tina for gettin' me out there!)
Such a fun group of people, we are so glad to be a part of them!
(Sorry the pics are so grainy, my camera wasn't feeling well that night, neither was I, apparently I have strep throat but who let's THAT stop them?!)

Thursday 5 January 2012

#25- 4 and 20

3 months and 3 weeks ago, I sat at this computer tearfully succumbing to google search to find answers on how to cope with bringing reconciliation between a 1 week old baby and her 17 month old brother, as the elder screamed bloody murder in his crib while the younger whimpered in my arms after being hit yet again by big bro.
I was not anticipating such a difficult transition, but as my aunt has said (who also had babies very close in age as I did) "there were times when all 3 of us just sat there crying. It's hard, but it's rewarding! They'll be best friends."
So true. On December 28th Isaac turned 20 months and on January 2nd Rosie turned 4 months old! My children are so precious:) I can't post the video on here but over the past 4 months they have grown very well accustomed to eachother, I came in the room once and Isaac was laying next to Rosie on the couch reading a book with her, their heads touching and him making up some words.
Never thought I'd see the day. Now Rosie is just as much a part of the household to Isaac as mama and daddy. He tries to play with her, gives her toys, gently trying to put them in her hand, strokes her head, gives her kisses, sings her name, and after I had put her down for a nap today I found Isaac leaving her room and was about to get upset at him for going in, but when I went to check on her, she was still fast asleep and Isaac had tucked a blanket in next to her.
Oh Joys:) Isaac has totally mellowed out and is way more relaxed and back to his old self. Rosie's personality  is emerging beautifully and she is such a sweet calm little girl who never with holds a smile.
Both of them haven't been feeling the best the last couple days, mostly just the sniffles and Isaac has developed a cough. However I did try to snap a few cute photos of them at this age. I couldn't get Isaac to smile much as he wasn't feeling well and had boogers everywhere, but here they are!



Tuesday 3 January 2012

#24- Listowel family Christmas

Eric's dad and step-moms family gathering:     
  I think Max and Isaac look so much alike:)
 ...and two tired babies later.