Thursday 22 January 2015


A neat and reasonably tidy house sounds nice. but then I realized what the mess really means...

Signs of life are everywhere...

(I was also JUST about to take a photo of a fresh poop-plop in the potty but thought I needed to draw the line)

Isaac later told me he put batman there to keep our neighbours safe (this window looks out to their house)

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Holiday photos!

Oliver fell asleep on me during a long christmas gathering. This might be the last time it ever happens...!
Happy 2nd birthday Oliver!!!!
(take 2)

The night before Christmas...

Our friend Janelle joined us for Christmas, and painted nails!!
New years eve also included hair cuts n' styles!

Aaaand these parents are ready for this little gal to go to bed:)
Here's to you, 2015!