Wednesday 30 November 2011

#18- Tessa's Big Night Out

For the first time without babies, or even Husband! In...well, for sure months if not a year or more, I ventured out on my own to Stratford for a session of the Joel's Army conference held at my sister and brother-in-laws church. I documented the event to remind myself that I can up and go and have a good time and not feel guilty about it:) Thanks to Eric for being so awesome and encouraging me to get out once in awhile and holding the fort!    
Got to meet up early with my brother Zack to FINALLY catch up since his return

My sister Bethany and her husband Judah!
but nothing beats being home:)

Friday 25 November 2011

#17- November summary

On the 23rd Eric and I celebrated our "2 1/2 year" Anniversary:)  
We even grabbed a friend of ours to come babysit (thanks Kyle!) and went out for fish n chips (thanks groupon!) And Eric bought me some yummy lindt dark chocolate (thanks ERIC!!!)
I don't know if people are supposed to celebrate their 1/2 year anniversaries, but we sure do!:) Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures. We were too busy having fun. Some memories are just as delightful in the heart as on camera.
In other news:
-Isaac & Rosie had their 2 and 18 month immunizations done (yuck.) A decision we weighed carefully, but it is still unfortunate that such things must be done. Both however are fine now and Isaac does not need to have more for quite awhile. Rosie barely noticed! But Isaac could not be calmed even with a COOKIE!-They both are also doing very well in health; Rosie weighed over 12 lbs and Isaac a surprising 28lbs (where does he put all that food he eats?!) He is excelling in all his other skills too, impressive for a boy I've heard, as he is doing very well in both motor and vocal skills. He's a smarty!:)
-Rosie is such a little smiler:) Even when she is not feeling well, she will sport a smile without much effort on our part! She has also started laughing which is TOO adorable. Her newest trick is grabbing a toy dangling above her and pulling it to her mouth, also she is getting quite the momentum when she is on her back to roll to her side, I don't think it will be long till she catches up with her big cousin Josiah and roll over!
We've recently interviewed a couple of teenage girls from the neighbourhood to be on hand for the odd babysitting, it has been difficult for Eric and I to get out on dates as most of our friends are currently pretty busy with school work and other commitments, though they are so helpful when they can! The girls both seem very sweet, I get good vibes from them and I look forward to getting to know them, even if it is the odd night twice a month! It's strange to be the interviewer as for so many years I was the interview-ee! (yes I know.)
Speaking of neighbourhood, if you're in the praying business, pray for safety for our home, and our neighbours! There has been a number of break-ins on our street (our car has been rummaged through a number of times) as well as car accidents on the main st. and not far from us there was a shooting recently. Also we live close to a bar that happens to have a history of violence.
Though our neighbours are all lovely people -and we really do have a lovely location- we are still in the city and there are still people up to no good, I am not overly fearful, but prayer for protection is always appreciated!
We're holding off setting up the Christmas tree till there has been a darn good snowfall or the next time we actually have a night together as a family!:)
As much as today was so warm and lovely, I am ready for winter and SNOW! Yes I am.
(plus I can't wait to go sledding with Isaac for the first time that he'll actually enjoy it, and I'll be able to because I wont' be preggers!!)
We've been seeing lots of my cousin, Adam lately as well which has been heartwarming to finally have some cousins back in my regular routine:) He is going to school here and since we live so close will often park in our extra lane and walk, and of course, drop in to say hi!
Also my parents came and mom did a wonderful photo shoot of our family since Rosie has arrived, beautiful day for it and lots of great photos to decorate my walls with! Thanks mom! And dad! 
November has been summarized!
Thanks Aunt Katrina for the BLUE! Sweater and headband!!:)

Isaac practicing his fine motor skills, spinning tops!

Kids from our 'hood


Family photo

Sunday 20 November 2011

#16- Chasing Contentment

I came across this poem while listening to the radio this morning. 
Quite Right, quite right.
Let's enjoy and be good stewards of what we have now. Let's practice contentment.

Chasing Contentment
It was spring but it was summer I wanted; the warm days and the great outdoors.
It was summer but it was fall I wanted; the colorful leaves and the cool dry air.
It was fall but it was winter I wanted; the beautiful snow and the joy of the holiday season.
It was now winter but it was spring I wanted; the warmth and the blossoming of nature.
I was a child but it was adulthood I wanted; the freedom and the respect.
I was twenty but it was thirty I wanted; to be mature and sophisticated.
I was middle-aged but it was twenty I wanted; the youth and the free spirit.
I was retired but it was middle-age that I wanted; the presence of mind without limitations.
My life was over but I never got what I wanted.

Philippians 4:11-13
Not that I was ever need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength.

Friday 18 November 2011

#15- Cuteness Captured

Thank you Aunt Katrina for the cute little bow:) She loves it, and so do we:)

Tuesday 15 November 2011


It's such a beautiful day for November. As I look out the window almost all the trees are completely bare as winter prepares to descend.

I recently learned that a family who I have known since I moved here has suddenly lost their father and husband. It breaks my heart that these young children will grow up without their daddy, that the youngest may not even have a memory of him, and the pain and loneliness that his wife must be feeling right now... 

It's funny how though autumn is a time of decay and death, God designed it to be so full of beauty. Imagine if autumn happened for the first time and no one knew what was going on, no one knew that after the winter, spring would come again, and miraculously the trees began to bud again and everything came back to life! But at the time of fall, all people could do was watch as the beauty of summer faded with no sign of hope. 
I'm thankful for hope. We take for granted the miracle of spring.

Lifting up this family to You today Lord, and asking You for comfort and hope to fill them.

Behold, behold Spring will come again 
And the skies turn from grey to blue
Stay strong, stay strong
Morning will come
As the Lord makes all things new

Friday 4 November 2011

#14- Two Months!

On November 2nd, wee Rosalie turned 2 months old. At this age, every week brings different changes and 'milestones' it seems, so 2 months is a pretty big deal! 
Rosie has gotten her nights and days figured out for the most part now. She has started going to bed earlier than midnight (what a relief!) and will wake up to eat every 3 hours or so, but sometimes will still go for a 4-5 hour stretch. She is quite the noisy little sleeper though, so she might be making a trip to her own crib sooner than Isaac did at 4 months.
She's starting to figure out her own sleep schedule during the day, often takes cat naps but will generally have 'sleepy time' in the morning, a big long one in the afternoon, and then one in the evening before going to bed between 8:30 and 9:30.
I don't remember all the tricks and techniques of helping her with a routine that I used with it's trial and error once again! Plus she is definitely her own person and not too much like Isaac was when he was a babe. 
Rosie is awake more and more now for longer stretches and loves watching us about our day. She always keeps a close eye on Isaac, whether because she finds him interesting to watch or she still has memories of the early days of her life and is taking precautions...:)
The two of them are getting along better and better now though and I am excited to see them growing up together and learning to get along and play. Boy, does Isaac need a playmate!
Rosie loves singing and watching hands moving and has recently discovered her own which she loves to suck on. She is a chatty little thing and quite vocal, though saves crying for darn good reasons, and even when she is crying it sometimes sounds like she's talking:) and of course she is smiling, but it's tricky to get her to!

She's a delightful gal and we are quite smitten with her:) She is now discharged from the midwives and at that last appointment was 11 lb.8oz and I can't remember the measurement right now, but doing great! Long like her brother!  I've added a few pictures that I just took in the last week or so below. 

2 months!

lots of kisses from Isaac:)

Brown eyes, Blue eyes