Saturday 29 October 2011

#13- A Year & a Half

Yesterday Isaac turned 18 months old! He is officially recognized as no longer a baby but a TODDLER!
What a big guy! 
The transition in my opinion has been one that seemed to start right at 12 months. Suddenly all interest in baby-things seemed to go out the window and Isaac decided it was time to become a man.
He wanted to learn and do everything DOUBLE-TIME and cut down from 2 naps to one. Which he is still barely holding on to now at 18 months, a GOOD nap in a day is one that is an hour long. Average is 45 minutes and we start worrying about him if it goes past 1 hour:) Although he does sleep great at night, going to bed at 7, talks to himself for awhile, and wakes up around 7:30 the next morning rarin' to go. Potty-training is on a bit of a hold. I don't think he's quite ready for it as he is started to NOT want to use the potty the more we push him to use it. So we're going to try again in a little bit.
Some things Isaac loves:

He looooves to eat, especially fruit!
He loves daddy
He loves going for walks with mommy and playing outside
Loves reading books
He loves kids, especially older than him, playing with and watching them play
He loves TALKING! People often comment on what a quiet little boy he is, but boy, when he gets used to you, he won't stop talking! He mimics pretty much every word we say now and has started to use short sentences ("Where is it? There it is, all gone, see ya, read it," etc) and knows some of his books so well that he will fill in the blanks:) 
When Isaac was 16 months as you all know his world was turned upside down by the arrival of his sister Rosie. It was quite an emotional roller coaster for all of us for the first month, but now he is quite content with having her around, and now interacts and plays with her:) What a relief! I once heard that for a first born, the arrival of a new sibling is like your husband coming home with another wife emotionally. While I wouldn't go quite that far, I do admit it was harder on Isaac than we thought it would be.

But all seems to be going well from here on and I'm excited to see their relationship develop
With growing up and individuality comes: 
Yes, Isaac certainly has some of that. He loves keeping busy and being out and about (an extrovert perhaps?) which is becoming a little harder to do with the demand of a new baby and the colder temperatures. I think the 'cabin-fever' is really hard for him at times and he lets me know it.
We are learning what works for Isaac in terms of discipline and dealing with his sometimes aggressive behaviours (which are usually a result of his own extreme frustration and not being able to fully communicate)
Overall Isaac is certainly a true joy. His personality is so charming and he just loves to laugh! he has the silliest sense of humour and loves going to great antics to make Eric and I laugh. He learns so quickly it blows us away! 
SO! Happy 18 months Isaac! I hope I can keep up with you in the coming months. Remember; I love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my firstborn you'll be:)

(just because it's cute:) Isaac and his cousin Maleeah)

Friday 14 October 2011

#12- Fall, Fun, & Friends

Karima & Isaac (who is wearing her socks:)
helping daddy rake

great-grandpa gascho!


Uncle Judah. Daddy, Uncle Zack!!

At Apple land with the Jory family!

Landon & Isaac

gotta end with this cutie:)

Monday 10 October 2011

#11- Save a turkey, eat a pizza

We agreed on pizza in the park for our thanksgiving meal, as we have many more big yummy meals ahead of us with lots more family and travel! Eric had the day off till 4 so we had some really lovely family time. And since it was such a gorgeous day, went on lots of walks and raked up a big pile of leaves. Thanks God for these 3:)
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!

Saturday 1 October 2011

# 10- Don't turn around

She's a pretty little thing. My nervousness about raising a little girl is turning into sheer delight at everything about her. 
Rosalie is a month old! Again I marvel at how fast the first month goes... how the newborn look and traits are already fading as she grows more alert and fills out.
At her last midwife appointment she was a healthy 9.6 oz and as cheeky as they come!:) she is doing well in all aspects. She loves to sleep, barely ever cries still (although when she does it's for a darn good reason, but generally she politely waits to be fussy until her big brother is either sleeping or with daddy so mommy can give her undivided attention)
Nights are a 'dream' (haha) usually she goes to sleep between 10 and 11 and wakes up around 3 to eat and then back to sleep sometimes right until 8am, although she does like to snuggle in bed, I really am not going to hurry her. It's so true that they won't cuddle forever, they won't be addicted to sleeping in bed with you if you let them do it once in awhile, and I mean, come on, she's so little and the weather is so cold. Why not!? She's only a baby once and ever so briefly. Maybe this is why the second one is more spoiled... you realize how fast they grow and how silly some 'rules' about the first few weeks are in perspective.
I can't believe Isaac sometimes... babyness is completely gone from him and he's a little boy now, the only glimpses of him as a baby sometimes come at night when he is cold or had a bad dream and will cuddle into my shoulder when I come to comfort him. But he is learning new things every minute it seems, and sometimes I look at him and almost cry at the fear of missing out on his childhood as it zooms by!

What precious years these are. If I turn around for too long, when I turn back they will be all grown up! I'm thankful I can understand this now, and really hope I can make the most of it.

Isaac helping Rosie get dressed
The Buckley's are doing well, Isaac is like a little parrot, copying every word he hears (EVERY word..) and trying new things every day. He's doing much better with Rosie, and actually is concerned for HER well being now!:)  Rosie is spending more time awake and especially loves staring at daddy, she's a content baby, although she's a tough cookie to get to smile! Eric is, of course, acing this 'father-of-two' business, as well as remaining my number one fan and awesome husband:) He saved the toilet from disaster just yesterday.
Working at this together we are both getting our rest (usually) and maintaining our sanity, and reminding each other of the shortness of these years and how cute our kids are. (I smile when I think of Eric's words early this morning before he went to get Isaac after a rather rough night "Kids are selfish." And then to hear him later that day laughing at Isaac's antics and melting at Rosie's smile "My kids are so cute". 

Ahh yes, this is love!:)