Wednesday 27 March 2013

#76- mothering & men

Moby-wraps are not to be underestimated. They are significantly better than a bjorn for comfort sake, (well, when they are so little anyway. Kind of constraining for the more active baby) I got mine (a home-made one!) from my dear neighbour.
Oliver falls asleep within seconds in it, no fail! Isaac and Rosalie also like to carry THEIR babies around in 'wraps'. The other day they both went through the whole process; wrap the baby, rock the baby, hush the baby, and then I found Isaac next to the crib very gently untying his wrap to lay his baby down. 
Adorbs.Speaking of manliness, WHAT is more exciting than enormous trees being chopped down right across the road on a dismal March week?? Isaac has been over-the-moon about it, not only getting to watch the cranes and chopping and felling, but the other day our friend Fynn came over and they all trekked out and lugged back a bunch of logs to chop up so we can have lots of campfires this year!

Rosie helped for a bit as well, and Isaac had the very important job of stacking the cut pieces; he did an excellent job and worked very hard. They all enjoyed a good rest and some hot cocoa and marshmallows afterwards.

Oh, and here's Rosalie helping me make cookies, I will teach her many wonderful ways! All she needs is her own little apron.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

#75- We're waiting for spring

Generally I never like to push spring, it comes when it's good and ready. It always comes. Last year it came a bit too soon and we didn't get any apples; so I want to be sure we'll get apples this year. As well, it helps that it is still snowing so I can keep my gardening ambitions at bay. Another mistake from last year:)
Meanwhile; we have been keeping entertained indoors.
Here's a few pictures of just a normal day...of cuteness.

And heres a tip to having a better day:
-Check your attitude often: your thoughts become your attitude become your action.

With cousin Avraam:)

Friday 1 March 2013

#74- 2 and 18 months

Oliver went for his final checkup today (FINALLY) At nearly 9 weeks he is a little overdue! I felt a bit funny carrying in my giant baby to the midwives, heehee, but of course he is very interactive and adorable at this age so as my m/w said, "We should delay more final visits! They're just so cute at this age."
So Oliver weighed in at a gorgeous 14.5 lbs, healthy as a bumblebee in spring. He's just over 2 months old.
He's such a sweet and content little boy, so very smiley now and Eric got his first laugh out of him today! Which I got to witness and just melted:)  He is 'sleeping through the night', bed around 8 then waking up to eat between 12 and 3, then sleeps till 6:30 or sometime after, depending on the night. I'm not banking on this being a consistent routine (although I could be very fine with that!:) but it's working for us for sure right now!
He's getting very strong and wiggly, loves to be naked of course, now is quite fond of baths. He loves being held alllll the time still, by far my most snuggly baby!  I'm wondering if he might get some early teeth as he's drooling like an Isaac at a buffet table and chewing on his little hands all the time! My other two were early teethers as well so it's very possible, but probably at least a couple months away.
 Rosalie will hit the milestone of 18 months tomorrow! Honestly, Eric and I just can't believe how big she has gotten. She is such a sweetheart, lately has become quite the chatter box, she has a few sentences now and loves babbling away whether or not we can understand. Her personality and charm are just irresistable.
One of her new-found favourite things to do is colour!! I tried to get Isaac into colouring but he never had any interest, still doesn't really, but will do it once in awhile. Rosie however, once I introduced her to the concept, hasn't stopped colouring, she has a little chalkboard and loves to just scribble away ever so carefully on it, her favourite currently is to walk around with a big crossword book and a pen and every once in awhile stop and start drawing in it then walk off again then stop and repeat. It's so cute. 
She also loves her naptime which is always funny to observe, if we miss it or it's late she covers her eyes with her hands and starts crying and walks to her room where her bunny is to initiate quiet time. 
She has started up a bit of an attitude now, (hellooooo year 2! We're ready for you. ...?) And that is strange to see from her. but also sometimes amusing as she doesn't let Isaac walk all over her anymore but starts sassing him right back. 
The two of the ultimately are getting along very well and enjoy each others company
She has her 18 month doctors appointment next week which I'm sure she'll ace! 

Isaac will be 3 in a couple months...and I'll have an update on him then! He gets his own entry!:)
Grow, little ones, grow!