Monday 22 December 2014

2014 Christmas update

Merry Christmas everyone!

I just finished waaay to much baking and wrapping up presents whilst listening to Phantom of the Opera (perhaps unrelated...but it always reminds me of Christmas)
Christmas isn't just a day, as we all know, the celebrations for us start as early as Eric can find the 'all Christmas songs, all day' radio station.

We got a first good taste of a the winter in November but haven't had much snow since, so we are certainly dreaming of a white Christmas!

Summer was a fantastic adventure of cottaging, beaching, outside-all-the-time, and lots of friends and family fun.

I look back on 2014 as the year we closed the chapter in our lives of Babies and started preparing for the new adventure of a family with no babies and 3 'big' kids ready to take on the world!

Isaac learned how to ride a 2 wheeler this summer, as well as stared his first year of school in junior kindergarten.
We are so impressed with him already (as are his teachers, so they've told us!) in how he is reacting to this change and his ability to get along so well with his peers and is a leader in the classroom in giving new ideas, thoughts, questions, and shows lots of compassion to others.
Eric and I both really like his teachers and their approach to early learning, very hands on, play-based learning. They have 'studied' snails, ocean life, vehicles, and introduce the basics through the kids interest in the world around them. They have also been very receptive to our concerns and ideas and the school overall is community and family focused which is awesome.
Life at home has changed significantly as well with him being in school (he goes 5 days a week with 2 half days) I have found the time I have with him in the morning, after school, and weekends is a whole lot more pleasant than it once was, I have that bit of extra energy & patience (providing the other two have a quiet time!) to give to him. He enjoys being the OLDEST and the special privilege he has. Lately he has been impressing us with his excellent manners and choices to do the right thing and practice empathy. He has gotten really into lego and it's lots of fun spending that time building with him or reading longer books and other things, Eric is introducing him to board games:)

Rosalie turned 3 in September and is especially fond of all things princess-y and fairytale at the moment:) Playing pretend is her FAVOURITE thing to do, it's almost difficult to get her out of her little world sometimes when she needs to eat her dinner or respond to a question. Her favourite princess is usually Belle or Rapunzel, but depending on her clothing choice or circumstance it varies.
She won't let me do very much with her hair because she wants it either to look exactly like Elsa's (from 'Frozen') or keep it growing long like Rapunzel's. Any cute little buns or updos are out of the question, as is DARING to trim her bangs, so she is growing them out.
She still occasionally likes to draw, but doesn't quite as much anymore, she is very committed to this phase in her life! :) Rosalie is especially fond of going over to play with her neighbour Ziya who is also 3, the two of them used to not enjoy each others company at ALL but now have grown to be the BEST of friends, it's pretty cute.
Rosie likes helping me in the kitchen and playing 'puppy-and-owner', 'prince and princess', 'pet-dragon', and ALWAYS 'Ballroom'.
She and Oliver also have been spending more time together playing as well, which is nice to see, when Isaac is not home the two of them get along splendidly. Overall Rosie is our little peace-keeping darling, who polishes her halo daily, and when she forgets is quick to beg forgiveness and reconciliation.

Oliver turns 2 YEARS OLD on Christmas eve, he suddenly decided he was done with diapers and has been using the potty for a few weeks now, he still wears a pull-up at nighttime but this transition is happening way faster than I thought it would! BRING ON DIAPER FREE! I'M READY!
I've given away/thrown out all my cloth diapers so it is bittersweet, strange, and wonderful:) He has decided to grow up awfully fast though, he attempts anything Isaac does, sleeps in a big boy bed, and loves to run and wrestle and be goofy.
He's also recently re-discovered the magical word "NO!"and uses it at every opportune moment. He also started having legit tantrums which I haven't seen the likes of since Isaac was a tot.
Don't be fooled, Oliver still is a wee tot. He still loves to snuggle and sit on my lap or be carried whenever he can get away with it. (Especially when his 2nd cousin, Lena, is in the picture!!)
Oliver also loves to play 'superhero' with his big brother and is his little shadow, the two of THEM get along splendidly as well for the most part. They do have a special little bond and now that Oliver is a bit older and tougher Isaac is more interested in him.

Eric and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary this past May and are merrily enjoying our little nest and growing brood. We have such a wonderful community of family, friends and neighbours, and we are so, so, so blessed, I often stop just to say THANK YOU to God who has provided for us in so many ways even when we don't realize, sometimes I wonder how we manage each month, and time and time again we are provided for. There is always so much to be thankful for.

We joined the YMCA earlier this fall, partially for something to do during the impending winter and also to get the kids in swimming lessons, and it has proved to be a good move! (haha, pun.)
As much as I was skeptical about the whole working out stuff, I find it actually enjoyable to go and move and feel refreshed, there is something about making yourself go out and do it cuz you're there and you're paying for it that helps a heap!

Eric has gotten full time at work which means he is able to get holidays off now so we are looking forward to spending Christmas day together and starting and renewing traditions as a family.

There have been many sad & difficult things happening in the world and in our community this year so sometimes in this season it is hard to focus on peace, joy, and hope. However we remember that it is HOPE that we hold on to as followers of Christ, it is Christmas that we remember how and why Jesus came..."Chains shall he break/for the slave is our brother/and in His name/All oppression shall cease."
This is the hope we profess, that He who promised is FAITHFUL, while we wait for Christ's return we live out his kingdom in our lives. We bring it here NOW in whatever way we can.
Remember at Christmas that it is through us now that the world sees JUSTICE, LOVE, PEACE and HOPE.

Merry Christmas to you all and may the New Year bring you many glad tidings! Greater things are yet to come!

Love The Buckley's
Eric, Tessa, Isaac, Rosalie & Oliver