Tuesday 21 February 2012

#34- Photo-shoots!

One of Isaac's FAVOURITE things to do is jump on our bed!! Perhaps we shouldn't let our children jump on the bed...
or the couch...
or on us...
but he just gets so giddy and gleeful about it, plus he can do it for MINUTES on end, so whatevs for now. Hah.
Anyway one day he was doing this and Rosie was just as gleefully watching him (she loves laughing at Isaac) and I was trying to get a good action shot; which turned into a family photo as I discovered I could take multiple shots at once with the camera, (another one of Isaac's favourite things is looking at himself. Whether in the mirror or especially on a camera.
So we had fun doing that. And here's some of the results, soooo cuuuute, now if we could only get Rosie to smile at a camera...


  1. Ah! I love it! So cute - espeically Rosies piercing Hobbit big eyes and changeless expression throughout,heehee.
    Cute little family...

  2. Best family photos of your bunch! Love Rosie's toothy grin :) Isaac's imitating you guys is priceless!
