Monday 15 April 2013

#77- The wheels on the bus

It was a balmy 20 degrees C today, glory!
Think about this people; if it were not for the cold and rain, would we be as gloriously happy for days like this?? Probably not.
Also; everything is so beautiful and green! I love it.

Isaac and I took advantage of the beautiful weather by going on a walk, and I decided today was the day for his first ever city bus ride! Isaac was over the moon excited about it and had to go through every correct motion, sitting down on the bench in the bus stop shelter to wait for the bus, counting out exact change, asking if every vehicle approaching was THE BUS.
We took one down the street and one back up, silly me chose a rather bad time of day as the buses were pretty packed with students, but on the way back a girl offered us her seat, though Isaac refused, the thrill of standing up in a bus was way too exciting. He didn't say a word the entire ride but clutched my hand tight and looked very serious. But utterly thrilled.
He thanked the bus drivers and skipped and jumped all the way home!

We made a stop to 'get a treat' at ol' Timmy H's and Isaac was just glowing as he got to pick out a donut and "some water please". I gave the lady a dollar and a moment later she gave it back to me with the donut saying "it's been paid for" and gestured at the man near us waiting for his order.
He had gotten off the bus with us and had likely heard Isaac gushing all the way; what a wonderful blessing! 
Isaac and I thanked him profusely and he smiled and hurried away.
And we sang 'the wheels on the bus' ALLL the way home'!

Spring; it just makes everything and everyone oh-so-beautiful.


  1. That is the cutest story ever! You're such a good mom.
    I read somewhere that the reasonn kids love certain songs and books is beacause they picture THEMSELVES in the story, and so choosing a favourite song or book to re-enact with a child is sure to be an amazing adventure.

  2. I love how you made his first bus experience an intentional memory of JOY !!!
    You are awesome. And that man who was observing? I bet you MADE HIS DAY! :)
