Wednesday 27 March 2013

#76- mothering & men

Moby-wraps are not to be underestimated. They are significantly better than a bjorn for comfort sake, (well, when they are so little anyway. Kind of constraining for the more active baby) I got mine (a home-made one!) from my dear neighbour.
Oliver falls asleep within seconds in it, no fail! Isaac and Rosalie also like to carry THEIR babies around in 'wraps'. The other day they both went through the whole process; wrap the baby, rock the baby, hush the baby, and then I found Isaac next to the crib very gently untying his wrap to lay his baby down. 
Adorbs.Speaking of manliness, WHAT is more exciting than enormous trees being chopped down right across the road on a dismal March week?? Isaac has been over-the-moon about it, not only getting to watch the cranes and chopping and felling, but the other day our friend Fynn came over and they all trekked out and lugged back a bunch of logs to chop up so we can have lots of campfires this year!

Rosie helped for a bit as well, and Isaac had the very important job of stacking the cut pieces; he did an excellent job and worked very hard. They all enjoyed a good rest and some hot cocoa and marshmallows afterwards.

Oh, and here's Rosalie helping me make cookies, I will teach her many wonderful ways! All she needs is her own little apron.


  1. LOVE the kids with their 'babies' just-a-like-a-mama... and please let me make an apron for Rosie?? I'd love to!

  2. Please do! in fact, make one for Isaac too:) He likes baking as much as me! (or is it the snackign?:)
