Sunday 3 February 2013

#70- Be the boss of your breastfeeding

I recently saw a poll on the internet simply asking 'do you breastfeed in public?' with two options: YES or NO.
Not conditional; you're on one side or the other apparently.

I think the public is pretty well informed now that Breast is Best for Baby. Every single pregnant woman has this fact drilled into them before they have even conceived; and it's all well and good. I'm all for breastfeeding. But what has been really bothering me lately is the increase in pressure on how you go about doing it.

We all know the stories of women being told to 'please put it away' in restaurants and malls, causing an absolute uproar among the breastfeeding community, whom often respond by protests usually involving a group of women storming the offending location, whipping out their breasts and nursing their little nurslings in defiance.

We hear the slogans and posts and articles on breastfeeding not being a crime, not being shameful, how women have the right, it's feeding your child, no different than giving them a bottle in public, breasts are for the babies, etc etc.
And it's all well in good, if a lady is going to breastfeed in public, so she should, and how she does it, whether stark naked or in a burka is really none of my business. We are all well aware we live in a free country concerning our state of apparel.

But how about us modest mouses? Not all of us feel comfortable feeding our wee ones in certain circumstances. And we have the equal right to cover up as we see fit. However there is increasing amounts of subtle pressures to these women to feel badly about their levels of comfort. 'What, are you ASHAMED of your body? Don't you KNOW breastfeeding is BEAUTIFUL? Why are you letting the opinion of others keep you from feeding your child? They're JUST breasts. If someone has an issue with you exposing them in public, it's THEIR problem.'

Let's be frank; if breasts were not a big deal, it wouldn't even be an argument on when, where or why you're exposing them in public, but because it gets everyone as giddy as gummy bears to see someone breastfeeding openly, it's natural that some women would rather not breastfeed in public all together, or at least cover up. It's not like some young fellow walks by and thinks "ooooooh, a breast. Oh wait, that's not a breast, it's a natural feeding device for that young human child. Interest lost. Carry on!"
Haha, but seriously.

Again, I personally am not bothered or in the least offended by how other women choose to breastfeed, I myself prefer to have some privacy in public, and even in the company of friends and family feel more comfortable with a blanket or scarf on hand (or on chest, ta ha ha) It's nto because I'm ashamed or embarrassed, it's just my comfort level.
So come on, this really shouldn't be such a big issue, I mean why make a poll about it? I'll be a voice for the ladies out there who are feeling a little put down by the pressures of some of the more liberal; Let the girl be!

'Nough said.

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