Thursday 24 January 2013

#69- one month

I think I can officially state my experience of 'the transition' from what 1 to 2 children and 1 to 3 children has been like. 
Most people told me that 1-2 was the most difficult, but almost the same amount told me the 3rd was the hardest. 
Oliver is a month old now and for me, going from one child to two was definitely harder! I think all of it really just depend on age, personalities, etc. I'm pretty sure the fact that the kids are born so close together in age had a lot to do with the difficulties I had with Isaac and Rosalie; there was simply no way to explain to him what was going on other than what he saw and felt for himself. I think Rosie would have reacted quite similarly to Oliver had she been the eldest and he the second. She doesn't give much of a toot about him now though, other than the odd time she'll toddler over singing 'Oldi-ba!'and squishing his face and then promptly losing interest. While Isaac sometimes obsesses a bit over getting to hold him and tend to him, which is usually terribly adorable:) Either way, they both don't seem to mind too much anymore when I am feeding Oliver or carrying him around. 
Oliver is a little snuggler! I suppose most newborns are, but he in particular just loves snuggling, I love seeing him snuggle with Eric especially, he calms down right away and will just lay head to chest with his big blue eyes staring into space completely at ease.
He's growing like crazy, I need to do some shopping because he's out of pretty much all his clothes right now and fits comfortably into 3-6 month! We have a midwife appointment tomorrow (second last one!) And i'm looking forward to seeing how much he's grown, at his 2 week appointment he was over 10 lbs so I'm putting him most definitely at at least 12 by now!
He had a bit of trouble getting his nights and days in the right order at first but we have it down now, he was also going to bed reeeeally late, and like we did with the other two, we eventually just starting putting him 'to bed' at a more decent time and he sleeps from then till morning (well, obviously between feedings, which is still every 2-3 hours, occasionally 4, and the odd 'fussy' time where he's not really awake but just trying to fart or something, he makes enough noise though!) Eric and I try to make sure we are both getting adequate rest, downtime is rare time so we treasure it when we get it!
I also recently invested in a double jogging stroller from kijiji, which I am yet to get to use, it's been so darn cold! but I'm pretty excited about it, I think I would like to start trying to make library trips part of our weekly routine, it's really not THAT far, I just haven't had the motivation to go with the wagon, this new stroller rides like a dream though, (however, I doubt I will be doing much jogging with it)
We've been trying to make the most of the cold days, sometimes I do go to all the effort to get them all dressed (Rosie and Isaac at least) and out the door even for 10 minutes just because from start to finish the whole process takes up about an hour which is an exciting activity for everyone...isaac does enjoy being outside more but Rosie gets sick of it pretty quick. Oliver is usually sleeping nice and warm inside during these romps and the fresh air does everyone SOME good at least. and is a great excuse to come back in and have some tea or hot chocolate, a 'special' treat for our adventures.
If we can't get outside we try to be creative indoors, my recent ideas have been attempts to nudge the kids in the direction of helping around the house in ways or general life skills, most recently Isaac and I baked cookies together and Rosie and Isaac gave all their toy animals 'baths' in the kitchen sink- great fun for everyone! And the end result was clean toys, clean sinks, AND a clean floor because I had to mop it up after we were done:)
Anyone else have great indoor activities for toddlers that you have used recently? Im' always looking for more!


  1. I can't wait to squeeze them all tomorow! I'll try and bring more 3-6 month sleepers, to :) xox

  2. You are awesome! Great 'clean-the-toys' idea. To carry on with that theme; make lots of bubbles in the sink; put the bubbles in a bowl and let the kids go 'clean' or decorate something with a washcloth and a bowl of bubbles.
    And let me know if you want me to pick up any other clothes for any of them! Just tell me the article and size <3
