Thursday 8 March 2012

#36- Rosie is half-a-year old!

I've been meaning to post for awhile, but every time I sat down to start, got distracted.
Hey, life is busy when you've got a toddler and a crawler:) 6 Months as of March 2nd!
Yes, Rosie is not QUITE crawling, but creeping around anywhere she wants to go, has two teeth, is starting to chatter more and more (squeak more like it:) has started solids, and while she doesn't act like she's been starving her whole life (like Isaac when he first tried them) she seems to like everything just fine and will politely finish off a small bowl as long as she can take her time.
She is sleeping pretty well through the night, going about 4 hour stretches. Since this makes only 2 night feedings for me on average, I am not too worried about her sleeping ALL the way through the night yet, she is growing fast and only just started solids, if she does wake up in between her usual times I don't feed her, as I know she has got enough calories through her feeding schedule throughout the day, and she'll generally go back to sleep, so it's certainly a pretty good routine for me right now:) 
She has a very sweet personality, content and observing, but she is certainly a wiggler and loves 'walking' and standing. The world is more exciting to her as she gets more active. She isn't a big fan of 'thrills' such as swings or being tossed in the air, but direct attention and tickling will get her giggling. (cutest sound ev.)
First 6 months; CHECK, and I thought we were taking our time!!

Pretty in Purple

(on a side note, my floors are amazingly clean in this photo...)

playing this drum is one of Rosie's favourite things to do

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