Sunday 22 February 2015

The end is nigh...

March is almost here...I can smell it. Sometimes.
Actually, it's been too cold outside to smell anything as my nostrils freeze together promptly upon setting foot.
We were doing really well this winter, Isaac and Oliver really love being outside, Rosalie has pretty much vowed off being outdoors for the last month and it doesn't look like she's about to start going out anytime soon
Sometimes I drag them all out "JUST for 10 minutes!" To get some fresh air and usually can drag them around on my big wooden toboggan long enough to justify putting on the hot cocoa and a(nother) show when we get it.

(February. The month where my 'one show a day' policy goes absolutely out the window)

I'd say it's been pretty successful though, compared to the last 4 winters.

Now that March is really SO CLOSE it's just a matter of putting a brave face on now and waiting it out. I keep saying, just one more week of really cold and THEN it will start getting warmer.

We are almost done the basics of the basement renovations, the bathroom will be the last thing we do but we have a new carpet, paint job, and new ceiling and lights. It's lookin' good! Now to organize everything...I am very grateful for the use of this basement this winter. 'Nough said. And we dragged out a big mattress and propped it up against the wall and the kids LOOOOOVE it, oh my goodness parents, try this if you are going crazy, sliding down a mattress again and again and again is SOOO fun for these kids.
I have literally gotten to 'sleep in' the last few mornings because Isaac brings his siblings downstairs first thing and they just slide down and play over and over.

So there's your tip for today, we lean it up against the couch and have cushions that hold it up.
Try this.
Hang in there!! I definitely DID hear spring birds recently.............

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