Friday 20 December 2013

#93- Christmas Update 2013!

My, but do the seasons fly by, and here we are again with Christmas right around the corner (literally, it just waved at me!:)
With a deep breath I will try and look back and put down some of the highlights, really, isn't it just one big highlight? Even those long, boring days, every day has highlights.
Without further ado -try to keep up- highlights of 2013!!!

-We settle in to life as a family of 5!! Sometimes I feel it is getting harder, some days it seems easier, a challenge, an adventure, all the cliches, my family rocks, I think our dynamics rock too:)
-My sisters son, Hasten, is born! (Feb 18)
-I celebrate my 24th birthday (April 6)
-Isaac turns 3! (April 28th)
-Eric and I celebrate 4 years of marriage (May 23rd)
-Eric turns 27 (Aug 4)
-We attend the wedding of an ol' friend, Chris Banks!
-We attend the wedding of another of my old friends, Kayla Martin!
-Our dear friends Wade and Krista welcome their daughter, Lena! (July)
-Several different close friends of ours announce their pregnancies! Finally our friends are having babies!!

It's hard to describe a year with three children three and under... Somehow it was boring hand-in-hand with exciting and fast!
Were I to try and describe it in an organized format simply is not possible, as my life is anything but organized! A daily schedule with my children varies upon moods, individual temperaments, Eric's schedule, how I'm feeling, how the weather is...:)
Our day looks like, wake up, eat, play, sleep, play, whine, eat, play, play, eat, sleep, play, whine, 'Watch a show??' play, eat, bath, sleep...Ah, finally, bedtime.
The mysteries and joys of parenthood!! Indescribable until one has personally experienced it...

Eric and I are a great team and work well together (maybe thanks to our past work experience) so we both take turns when the others patience is running low as well as make sure we both have time to do 'our own' thing, and when it comes to finding time for us together, there's nothing like a good dose of humour and making time for eye contact in a day! Although Eric works a lot of evenings, we still treasure those quiet moments when he gets home while the children are sleeping just to relax.
Eric recently was promoted to full-time hours which means a few extra hours of work, and also extra benefits which will be helpful! We are thankful that his job allows him to spend some afternoons and mornings at home as well as flexibility when he needs to take time off. He is still on the board of our Church, Sanctuary, and heads up a weekly games night (this is no snakes-and-ladders folks)

I have recently applied to volunteer at a retirement home near us, probably not more than twice a month, but I have long had a desire to work with and learn from the elders and as most of you know was employed at 2 different retirement homes before we started a family. I`m looking forward to this opportunity and have already met a few people, this place is much MUCH bigger than anything I am used to! But hopefully I will learn to find my way around and remember peoples names. As well as remember how to carry on a conversation intelligently...
Now that we are done having children (Lord willing:) and Oliver is no longer an infant, I am prayerfully looking for more opportunities to be involved in my community as well as still being home with my children. Something I have barely considered since I`ve been pregnant or nursing for the past 4 *nearly 5* years!!:)

Isaac is turning into quite the fine young man, of course he is only 3 1/2 but, he still seems like he's thinks he ought to be treated older. He can have quite the serious conversations, a lot of questions and thoughts about God and the Bible, his favourite story is David and Goliath and he also loves anything about trucks and mighty machines and has recently taken an interest in building lego and being 'superman'. He also has a very sensitive side which most people might overlook as it still comes out mostly in negative ways, but we are working on it and he is doing much better. Although dealing with people he finds difficult or simply doesn't like is something very frustrating for him, he earnestly loves to be around all sorts of people and shows gentle attention to babies. He shows increasing maturity (for his age) in empathy and being more helpful around the house, which is something I certainly can appreciate!

Rosalie is 2 now and lately the alleged 'terribleness' of the two's has hit her quite hard, considering her generally good-natured and easy-going personality, we would be shocked by her meltdowns and screaming fits if not for the experience of our elder son. Because of this recent difficult time with her finding her 'will', she has also refused potty training and we have not yet put her in a 'big girl' bed as even night-times have been a little tricky (this from the girl who used to ASK to be put to bed because she was tired!!) We know this phase will pass, and it is almost comical to see her intense glare and little temper flaring (almost).
Rosie loves playing with dolls, reading, colouring, playing with play-dough, singing and snuggling with mommy. She loved going for walks when the weather was nicer pushing her stroller and chattering away to herself. She has a caring, gentle personality and is always trying to make people feel better if they are sad and always has a joke to tell, even if you haven't the slightest idea what she is talking about.

Oliver will be 1 year old on December 24th, one way to be incredulous at the passing of a year is to think of the fact that this time last year I was still pregnant with him, and look at him know! He is crawling, 'talking', playing, jumping, and...drum-roll....WALKING! He started promptly at 11 months and has been on the go since, it is so hilarious seeing kids this age walking around, I love it. He is an excellent eater and has 8 teeth, I believe he is working on those nasty molars too.
We're going to have to watch out for this little guy, he is the sweetest little snuggler ever, but he's got a glint of mischief that is coming out more and more as he gains strength, weight, and speed, he actually will sidle over and push his big sister down when she's not paying attention, and then laugh about it! The two of them are pretty much the same weight, and I don't think it will be long before he has her in height, and probably not too long until he beats Isaac, in weight at least! Oliver can't wait to wrestle around more with his big brother, and while Isaac is pleased to oblige, it's not quite a fair 'fight' yet.
Oliver brings smiles and delight wherever he goes and I have had so many people tell me there is just 'something so sweet and peace-filled about him'.

Peace on earth, good-will to man!

2014 feels like a new chapter in our lives, we will be moving out of 'Age of the Babe' and into different territory. 2 preschoolers and a toddler! Part of this is difficult for me to grasp but at the same time I'm excited! We have so many adventures to be had, I'm hoping 2014 will be the year we finally go camping as a family and maybe I will go on a few lone escapades myself:)

We feel we will be here in London for a few more years at least, though my heart strings are oft pulled to the country air and open fields, everything in it's own time, one day this might become a reality but for now we are learning how to best love and serve our community here. We are also getting to know more of our neighbours, one couple who live a few doors down are expecting their first child, we are looking forward to getting to know them better. Many of our friends here in London have also recently announced their first child due in 2014, so there is much celebration and joy ahead!

As always, we love hearing from friends and family even those long out of touch, so please stop by if you are ever in the area, we don't get many out-of-town visitors and would love to visit with you and hear about the latest, worst and greatest, in your lives:)

To all of you loved ones, have a wonderful joy, peace, love filled Christmas!
I encourage you to meditate on Romans 12 as you ring in the new year, and as always, there's a tea-kettle boiling here at the Buckley's :)

Love: Eric, Tessa, Isaac, Rosalie, and Oliver


  1. Thank-you Tessa for a lovely walk thru the past year with your family. Keep being in the moment with those babies (they'll always be Granny's babies :D ) and so excited to see how this next year unfolds for you all!

  2. Dear Tessa
    No wonder I love you and your family so...your open heart shines with joy and goodness so that you will always be strong together and in God's love.
