Monday 19 August 2013

#85- Cottage weekend '13!

Our dear friends Titus and Rachel once again invited us to their family cottage this past weekend.
Unfortunately, they weren't able to make it till Saturday, but it was really for the best since with all the excitement of arriving and unpacking, no naps on the way there (2 hour drive), and new sights, sounds and smells, the kids needed to unwind. 
Isaac was over the moon till dinner time where, after I brought out a plate of crackers, veggies, meat and cheese for everyone to share, Eric went for the last couple pieces of meat (Isaac had downed the rest) and Isaac simply LOST it, it took him nearly 45 minutes to calm down. (and a few slices of watermelon)
I haven't seen a tantrum like that in ages!
This year we slept in the cottage instead of the tent, which was nice, but took me down a couple notches from my prideful 'tenting is the way to go!' approach.

The beach and a playground were but minutes walking distance away so there was so much to do! Also they had recently purchased a Sea-do (or whatever you call it) so we had some fun with that, though Isaac was not partial to tubing and Rosalie wouldn't go near it, she would stand at the edge of the lake and call to us, "I will save you, hold my hand, hold my hand!|
Oliver was just chill about everything, chilled on the beach, chilled in the water, (he loved it!) chilled in the cottage, slept at bedtime, aaaah....

So we did just about everything there is to do on a cottage vacation, here are some pictures for further story-telling!
Also, we cleaned the house before we left, I made everyone stay outside before jumping in the car to get the last few crumbs and toys out of sight too, it was a little stressful trying to get a clean house on top of packing and not forgetting everything, but oh gracious, it is SUCH a good feeling to come home to a clean house, no dishes, nothing laying around, laundry done. Ah. Worth it.


  1. :) makes me SMILE to see these photos! aww...
    and the one of Eric and Oliver; wow! does Oliver ever look like his daddy there!

  2. Yes, we recently realized Oliver actually looks the most like Eric, we just never noticed because he is the BLONDE BLUE EYED version! (and beardless)
