Wednesday 1 May 2013

#79- Isaac is 3!

On the 28th Isaac finally had his THIRD BIRTHDAY!!!!
I'd just been talking it up for weeks, and by the time the actual day rolled around the poor kid was so sick of hearing about it he didn't seem quite as enthused as we were.
But we sure did a lot of celebrating over the weekend!
We had a visit with Eric's dad and step-mom where he got some late Christmas presents, had a sleepover with his cousins, a party in the park the next day with ALL of his cousins and my family, and then the next day, his actual birthday, we had a pancake lunch with lots of fruit and some friends!

And then Monday came...

Needless to say, next year, I think a little less hype would be appreciated by the big guy. Though we had SOO much fun over the weekend, until Monday. haha.

So My dear firstborn is 3. This past year feels like a giant accomplishment; Isaac is potty trained, dressing himself, brushing his teeth, having conversations with us, telling 'jokes', reasoning, praying, climbing trees, singing, helping, sharing, making friends, learning how to ride a bike, asking questions about Jesus, telling us when we've been too harsh, and goodness gracious, is he tall!! He's keeping up pretty well with kids older than him, but still plays the 'shy baby card' around larger groups of people. He just loves his little brother and is so gentle with him, Oliver loves Isaac and he always gets him laughing.
Isaac and Rosalie are becoming even better friends and have a (usually) jolly old time together, as much as siblings do:) Isaac and his dad have such a wonderful bond it just melts my heart to see them playing together or `regrouping`.
Also; look, we made it through the 'terrible two's'!!! Man, it was definitely a challenge, but now that Isaac is able to communicate better, we all understand better how to go about with discipline, things have really improved so much.
I always love my 'special Isaac time' and hope he continues to develop a positive relationship with me as he grows up, and oooh, but it is fast!
Happy Birthday Isaac T B! You're the man!!
birthday presents; nothing to be silly about, this is serious man-stuff!!

1 comment:

  1. So amazing what a year does!!! Glad you can look back and realize... "WE DID IT!!!" Ya got thru it and despite the sometimes daunting issues with 2 year olds you DID enjoy him, too, i know! <3
