Wednesday 14 November 2012

#64- A-veryone's talking about Avraam:)

And so they should!
My newest little nephew has entered the world! We got to go visit him last week and he is absolutely gorgeous. Isaac was especially excited about baby Avraam and even got to hold him a few times all by himself! He took the matter very seriously.

Rosie was curious enough but lost interest pretty fast. 

Seeing Isaac all excited and interested in a new baby in such a positive way is very encouraging as we prepare for the arrival of his second little sibling!

Thanks Avraam and big bro Ezra for letting Isaac get some practice in! (and of course to proud parents Katrina and Levi; way to go on another incredible creation)

Katrina explaining the art of diaper changing to the boys. She herself started changing diapers at 2 years old!
 We are also awaiting the news of Eric's brother's baby being born...a little girl! My second niece!:) bring on the babies!


  1. my favourite was Isaac being very serious about holding Avraam....staring into the distance, contemplating how he one day shall have his own son to carry on the family name.
    Or something?
    Yeah, he was definently serious, though.


  2. Love the expression of 'foreshadowing my destiny' in Isaac's face.

    Ohhh...Rosie... you have no idea what's about to hit you!

