Monday 15 October 2012

#61- thirty-one weeks

3rd trimester...we meet again!
I must say, as much as I've been trying to enjoy this (likely last) pregnancy for me, I am quite content to be done being pregnant, there is much about it that I love (when else can you just 'let it all hang out' and have people say 'oh you are just GLOWING!' 'Aren't you just BEAUTIFUL'?) The incredible feeling of little babe moving around, the excuse to snacking, the attention, those peaceful feelings and moments, but overall; I'm growing less and less partial to things such as the huge chore of getting dressed each day to accommodate my glowing, growing self, the back pain from doing the most basic activities, trying to read my elder child a story and they practically falling off my lap, just feeling overall tired and sluggish...really I just want to be done and have this precious child in my arms not my belly! (Ahh I'm guessing it won't take long for me to wish I was pregnant again!:)
However, again I remind myself that these days are really very short; Because we have had our children so close together in age, it really will feel like only a fleeting moment with all 3 pregnancies combined, a blink of time in my life altogether, so I'm really doing my best  to remind myself of these things and truly enjoy!

I've never been keen on photographing myself and my booming belly, especially this time around, but I know I will be glad I did.
I was looking over my old pictures from my pregnancies with Isaac and Rosalie, it was interesting to compare shapes, sizes and progress, so this motivated me (along with how fun it is to see pictures of friends and sisters too-cute bellies) to be sure to get a couple snapshots in there. Also wouldn't want this babe to feel left out...(does that happen??)
Anyway, please ignore our messy room and fingerprint-smeared mirror. How DID those little hand prints get up that high? Only 2 months left!! I can't believe how fast the time has been flying!


  1. Sweet! Lookin' good!!! Yeah, baby!!! Keep up the good work!!!!!
    Really, the end is nigh...hold on to your horses. And for heavens sakes, sleep whenever you can.


  2. ...and always remember; a photo-shoot is only a mommy away!!!
    You look GREAT!!!!<3 The excitement never lessens :)
