Wednesday 26 September 2012

#59- First pigtails

Those cute little tendrils puffing out at her ears are long enough to twist into pigtails, although I don't have small enough elastics, so the first attempt was to use the smallest version of my own, which still ended up making her pigtails look more elastic than hair!

Nonetheless, how adorable. They make her look older though...Rosalie is almost 13 months already!


  1. AHHHH!!! I've been WAITING for this to happen!!!

    hhaha, no really, I thought that when I saw her earlier this month, 'I can't wait till she gets pig tails in her curls'.

    So cute, Rosie, darling!

    auntie katrina

  2. How stinkin' cute! I could just use every over-used pinterest synnonam to describe them!
    "I DIE!"
    "MUST HAVE!"
    "Making this..>NOW!"

    lol....but she IS!

  3. LOL at Auntie Bethany....
    and yes...
    Granny-heart melting on the spot yet again... :)
