Wednesday 16 May 2012

#45- Nature day/Mothers day

For Mothers day on Sunday, we packed up and trekked out to the Sifton Bog!! It doesn't sound so nice, but it's one of my favourite places in London. A board walk through a bog that leads to a little lake, it almost feels like you're in the middle of nowhere!
It was pretty busy that day, we saw more people than ever before there! With our double stroller it was a bit of a trick to be able to pass other strollers, but by letting Isaac walk (run), Eric just tipped one side over the edge with Rosie on the safe side:) It worked out.
After the walk, and lots of creature sightings! -Frogs, ducks with little duckies, minnows and chipmunks, even a snake!- We found a quiet little spot off the trail to have a picnic. 
Lovely way to spend mothers day, out in nature with my babes and my Babe:)
Isaac is not the biggest fan of slimy things


  1. ahhhh so cute!
    I love the one of Isaac laying flat down and peeking over the edge to see into the bog....what sweet kids. Hope we see you all soon!


  2. This is sooooo awesome!
    Reminds me of all the 'nature hikes' we had while you kids were growing up.
    Our back yard was usually a bog ! :)
    Love the photos....Isaac looks so grown up and Rosie is all too cute... and great pic of you and Eric <3
    You are all so precious!
