Thursday 29 December 2011

#23- It's 'Snow fun!

Once again, all excited about winter and finally getting SNOW! I bundled the kiddies up for a winter wonderland adventure. 
However what they say is true, it takes you an hour to get two kids ready for snow-time and they only want to be out for five minutes, despite my incredibly enthusiasm and encouragement, even a ride on the sled! Rosie did quite well, even smiled! Isaac however, after a few steps and realizing his mitts were simply not efficient to do MUCH with, and all his snow gear prevented him from running around without falling (and not being able to get back up) finally just lay there crying "COLD. BRIGHT....COOKIE!"
Ah yes, my child is a possum.
So he suffered through a few rounds on the sled (and even pulled Rosie on it at one point) and then we went inside and had a cup of tea.
Like I said last year, "Oh well, maybe next year."



  1. These are the cutest siblings EVERRRRRR!!!!

  2.'s so true...,they stand there like they've got their feet cemented , grunt a few times trying to pull their feet out of the snow while keeping their boots on, and then, quite desperate, it's all over and they're screaming like you're trying to TORTURE them or something.
    But they sure are funny to watch.
    ( Nice snowsuite, Rosie!! Glad it fits :)!!)
    aunty katrina
